The Changing Healthcare Environment: Is There a Role for Aquatic Therapy?


Presented By:  Ted Yanchuleff, PT, ATC Manager of Outpatient Rehab Services for the Pinnacle Health System 

Aquatic Therapy in the Changing Healthcare Environment


This webinar attempts to address some of the implications on an aquatic therapy program associated with the integration of the Affordable Care Act into the United States Healthcare delivery system. This period of time is being called the "white water" of American healthcare with rapidly changing regulatory and reimbursement scenarios. The Act contains various reforms that when implemented, will significantly impact and change the risk/reward concepts for healthcare organizations, including physical therapy and rehabilitation departments, throughout the United States.


The webinar will highlight concepts of an integrated care delivery network and will conclude with discussion of the development of Accountable Care Organizations in this changing environment. The webinar will explore what role aquatic therapy can play in this environment and will discuss potential benefits that aquatic therapy may offer Accountable Care Organizations including better patient outcomes, decreased readmissions, increased compliance and the ability to progress patients through the entire spectrum of care.

Attendees will learn:

  • the concept and development of ACO organizations
  • the role aquatic therapy can play in this new environment
  • the potential benefits aquatic therapy may offer
  • the implications that the Affordable Care Act may have on an aquatic therapy program

All of this information will be supported with case studies from Mike Studer's cutting edge rehabilitation clinic.
Expand Your Business by Offering Aquatic Therapy for the Aging Athlete

In this webinar participants will receive an introduction to the principles of aquatic therapy, with specific applications for pediatric client populations.  There will be additional focus on physical therapy care planning for children including land to water transitions, treatment considerations, and documentation.


Participants will be able take the following away from this presentation:


  • The properties of water that are beneficial for pediatric therapy
  • What pediatric populations can benefit from aquatic therapy
  • What treatment considerations and precautions/contraindications exist for this population
  • How and when to transition between water and land therapy
  • How to effectively document aquatic therapy
  • What equipment can be used to enhance therapy sessions
  • How to make sessions fun for kids


All of this information will be supported by case studies from Cindy’s aquatic therapy program at Children’s Hospital of St. Paul.


What Past Webinar Attendees are Saying:



“I love and appreciate that you are doing this. It is information that I would otherwise not have access to, so I appreciate the format. The speaker was good, and she hit on some things that we could use. Thanks!”


- J.O. (webinar previously attended: "Bridging the Gap from Land to Water," presented by Kim Eichinger)

What Past Webinar Attendees are Saying:


Ted Yanchuleff, is the Manager of Outpatient Rehab Services for the Pinnacle Health System in Central Pennsylvania.  Under Ted’s span of control are 7 Rehab Outpatient sites in the Harrisburg region, 3 of which offer aquatic therapy services.  He is a “dual” Physical Therapist and Certified Athletic Trainer with an undergraduate degree in physical therapy from the University of Pittsburgh and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Penn State.  He has over 30 years of healthcare management experience with large hospital systems and over 13 years’ experience managing aquatic therapy programs. Ted has served on the State Board of Physical Therapy for the State of Pennsylvania and has also served as an adjunct professor of physical therapy for the Lebanon Valley College Doctorate Program for the past 10 years.   


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