Improving brain health through aquatic exercise
November 16, 2021 from 1:00-2:00PM EDT
Presented by: Dr. Bruce Becker, MD, MS

The value of aquatic activity in health promotion has been known for centuries, but only recently has research demonstrated the many ways that such activity dramatically affects the brain and central nervous system. Aquatic immersion and exercise increases brain blood flow, even while lowering blood pressure overall. It also lowers sympathetic nervous system activity, tending to create a reduction in stress responses. Even more dramatically aquatic activity seems to facilitate an improvement in cognitive function in both mild and severe dementia.
Learning Objectives:
• Understand the effect of aquatic immersion and exercise upon the brain.
• Describe the probable reasons for these effects.
• Strategize ways to utilize this information at both personal and community levels.
Speaker BIo:
Dr. Bruce Becker: Dr. Becker is an MD specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and a graduate of Tulane University of Medicine. His residency training was done at the University of Washington, where he has been a Clinical Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine for over 20 years. He is a Fellow in the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and in the American College of Sports Medicine. He has researched the effects of aquatic activity in health and function, published extensively, and lectures both nationally and internationally.