Progression of Foot and Ankle Injury Rehabilitation Using Aquatic Therapy
Presented By: Cheryl Bennett, PTA, CGT, Aquatic Therapist at University Physical Therapy, part of the nationally recognized OrthoCarolina orthopedic practice
This webinar will provide treatment ideas for using aquatic therapy for foot and ankle injuries during early stage rehab as well as during the transition from non or partial weight bearing to full weight bearing. The webinar will show how aquatic therapy can be used to progress patients to land-based therapy more safely and easily. The speaker will present practical exercises utilizing varying water depths for foot and ankle injuries including sprains, fractures and surgical repairs.
This webinar will provide specific flexibility and strengthening strategies to help patients regain weight bearing ability as they transition to land rehab. These strategies are developed to safely, efficiently and effectively regain full weight bearing with decreased pain and increased range of motion.
As a result of attending this webinar, attendees will learn:
- A guided approach for ankle flexibility, ROM and lower extremity strengthening
- Progression of weight bearing and transition from an aquatic environment to land using water’s buoyancy and resistive qualities
- How to use water for specific limitations of weight bearing per diagnoses
- Effective techniques for strengthening of lower extremity and core muscles to gain and maintain flexibility as well as muscular strength and endurance
The presenter will review three cases to demonstrate how these strategies were used in practical clinical situations.
What Past Webinar Attendees are Saying:
“Good seminar over all. This would be a great resource for AT educational programs.”
"Great job and very informative!"
"Please continue with the webinars. They are very informative!"
"I think this was an excellent webinar!"
"You guys did a very nice job! Thank you for the webinar!"
Cheryl Bennett is an aquatic therapist at University Physical Therapy, part of the nationally recognized OrthoCarolina orthopedic practice. Cheryl has been employed with OrthoCarolina for over 17 years and has been an aquatic therapist for 5 years. At University Physical Therapy, she treats aquatic therapy patients 3 days a week and also treats physical therapy patients on land 1 day a week. The conditions she most commonly treats include cervical spine issues, lower back pain and shoulder, knee, foot and ankle injuries. Cheryl earned an Associate Degree in Applied Science from Central Piedmont Community College 1997. She became a certified Graston Technician in May, 2015.